If you follow our blog or instagram, you'll see a lot of these two. They are a big part of the inspiration behind the brand of PawMedica. When things get stressful around the office, these are the guys who---- well, they're usually the ones causing the stress around the office. Especially Henry.

Meet Henry "The Troublemaker"

Breed: Half Yorkie / Half Bichon

Born: 4/1/18 somewhere in a Minnesota puppy mill. Rescued by True North Rescue Mission, fostered and eventually adopted by Ryan.

Favorite Hobbies:

  • Playing fetch, but makes YOU fetch the ball. He just likes to sit on the couch and push the balls off of it then you have to get them and throw it back to him.
  • Putting his little tennis ball in areas he can't reach. Then freaking out until you come get it out for him. Then repeats.
  • Picking fights with huge dogs. For some reason he is completely unaware of the physical advantages the German Shephard in the building has over him.
  • Squeaky toys. He loves a good squeaker.
  • Playing at the little dog run in Carl Schurz Park
  • Running in the leaves in Central Park

Meet "Two Bones" Loo

Breed: Probably half Scottish Terrier / Half Poodle

Born: 3/2/17 (maybe) in Heilongjiang, China. Rescued by Slaughterhouse Survivors. Fostered and eventually adopted by Ryan.

Favorite Hobbies:

  • Bones! Not just chewing them, but collecting them and staring at them as he basks in the glory of his prized possessions.
  • Chasing after rats that run by as we're walking in the city at night.
  • Barking at squirrels in the bark - as if the barking will encourage the squirrel to come down from the tree to say hello.
  • Dog beds - he's a dog bed connoisseur.
  • Long walks and runs in Central Park or by the water